Thank You

Thank You
By Jason Moore

BREXIT is not exactly popular in Spain...infact every Spanish politician will tell you that it is a bad idea. But having said that the Spanish authorities have still rolled out the red carpet for British citizens so that they can replace their “Green certificate residence permit” with the new TIE “Brexit” card.

Not only have more staff been recruited at the Foreigner's Office in Palma, a special area has been set-up solely for British citizens. As you will read in today's newsaper the whole process is fast and effective and the staff are polite and competent. So well done Spain for looking after “Brexit Brits.”

Now Spain didn't have to give British citizens special treatment, we could have all been placed with the non-European Union nationals and that would have been the end of it. But no, as British citizens are sort of in a “halfway house” they have been given special status. Now, I am sure that some of the more colourful characters who frequent expat social media sites will tell you that Spain obviously had to give special treatment to British citizens because the British were so important to Spain and the Spanish economy. Obviously, this is not true. Britain is important but these days, in the case of the Balearics, there are far more German residents. Can you imagine the fuss certain British tabloids would make if foreigners were given preferential treatment when it came to their paperwork? There would be an outcry. All I will say is Thank You Spain.

November 13, 2020 at 02:28PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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