It’s great to be in Mallorca

It’s great to be in Mallorca
By Humphrey Carter

OVER the past month or so, I have got the impression that a large number of people appear to have found second wind.

With the chips pretty down and life becoming increasingly frustrating and demoralising with no real light at the end of the tunnel yet, there does appear to be a sense of resilience in Mallorca.

After the initial get fit boom once the first lockdown was lifted gradually ran out of steam with only the dedicated continuing with their fitness regimes, I have witnessed a second wave. Only a month ago, I would be playing tennis twice a week in a more of less empty tennis club, all of a sudden, with the weather still extremely favourable after dark, I’m lucky to get a court unless I phone first thing in the morning and we’re only allowed to book 24 hours in advance - no doubt my esteemed colleague and tennis ace Frank Leavers is having the same problem.

But, it’s not only the sports complexes with outdoor facilities which are booming, there has been a sudden surge in the number of people jogging and cycling again. It maybe because gyms have had to reduce their capacity again due to the new lockdowns - it will be a long time before you catch me back in the gym - or it may simply be that the great weather is holding out, OK it’s going to be a bit wet today, and the majority of people are making the most of it to keep their minds and body healthy ahead of what might be round the corner.

November 13, 2020 at 02:33PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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