Warning that illegal nightlife events in the Balearics could result in fires like Murcia's

Warning that illegal nightlife events in the Balearics could result in fires like Murcia's
By Andrew Ede

Jaime Lladó, the director of BCM in Magalluf, insists that a tragic fire such as that which claimed thirteen lives in Murcia at the weekend could not happen at his club. "It would be impossible for that to happen at BCM."

The main reason, he explains, is the comprehensive renovation that was carried out two years ago. All materials have been fireproofed, both structural and the furniture. "And we have six emergency exits, while two or three safety courses are held each year, including evacuation drills." He adds that BCM contrasts greatly with the clubs in Murcia. "There are many very old nightclubs that have not had the same controls as ours."

The president of the Abone nightlife association in the Balearics, Miguel Pérez Marsá, acknowledges that even if security measures are taken to the maximum, "none of us are exempt from an accident happening". "However, we minimise the risks, which is what it is about. It is more normal for these things to happen in places that do not comply with the law than in those that do."

And for Pérez Marsá, it is non-compliance which is precisely the problem. There is a chance that what happened in Murcia could occur in the Balearics because of the proliferation of events that are held without complying with minimum legal requirements. People's safety is being put at risk by some "irresponsible" promoters.

"We are tired of reporting illegal activities," says Pérez Marsá, who points to establishments that do not have a licence and to specific parties that are held on private estates or in industrial zones. "There are people who do not comply with the law. There are no fire extinguishers or security exits. We report these to town halls, island councils and the government, but rarely is anything done."

Given events in Murcia, the nightlife sector in the Balearics has announced that safety procedures will be reinforced, so as to guarantee that all teams are properly trained. Reflecting on the events, Pérez Marsá regrets that incidents of this type sometimes have to happen in order that authorities apply strict control.

October 3, 2023 at 11:24AM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin

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