By Jason Moore
The Palma Met Office (AEMET) has updated their weather forecast and they are now predicting sunshine for Thursday´s Bank Holiday. The initial forecast had been for rain. Infact, there will be sunshine all week with a top temperature of 30 degrees Centigrade on Saturday.
The good weather will be an unexpected boost for the Bank Holiday and beach plans are being relaunched. The good weather in October has seen temperatures pass the 30 degrees Centigrade mark almost every day. It has also been widely welcomed by the tourist industry with the holiday season lasting longer because of late holiday bookings.
If October continues with the current weather trend it will go down as one of the hottest ever. Over the weekend thousands of people headed to the beach and bar and restaurant terraces were packed across the island.
The Met Office already said that autumn would be warmer than usual.

October 9, 2023 at 12:58PM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin
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