Tramuntana residents considering roadblock protests against illegal motorbike races

Tramuntana residents considering roadblock protests against illegal motorbike races
By Andrew Ede

A spokesperson for the MA-10 group of residents in the Tramuntana says that the problem of illegal races on the main road in the mountains has gone from being one at weekends to a more or less daily occurrence. The proliferation of these races, especially between Soller and Puig Major, has increased over recent months, and so the group is planning protests to demand solutions.

Attention is once more being focused on these races because of a crash last Sunday. The rider of a high-powered motorbike lost control on the long bend at the Ses Barques Mirador and collided with a car. "We residents have been denouncing road safety and noise problems on the road for many years and they are not going to silence us." An option they are considering is blocking the road.

A year ago, the environmentalists GOB registered a complaint about illegal races with ICOMOS. This is the international body that ensures compliance with requirements established by UNESCO for World Heritage Sites - the Tramuntana mountain range is such a site.

A working group was set up with representation from the Balearic government, the Council of Mallorca, the traffic directorate, town halls, the Guardia Civil and entities such as GOB and the residents group.

This resulted in the establishment of a 60 kilometre per hour speed limit and road markings prohibiting overtaking. The traffic directorate and the Guardia Civil reinforced controls, including the use of drones. This led to a 40% increase in the number of reported incidents but also to significant decrease in the number of accidents.

However, the MA-10 group believes that none of this has been of any real use. Moreover, the Prosecutor's Office archived an official complaint by the group based on a report from the Guardia Civil.

"The Guardia Civil ensure a presence, but not surveillance. This is why we asking for automated surveillance, with fixed radars and cameras that record offenders." They also want cameras for surveillance at the Ses Barques Mirador - "the headquarters of offending motorcyclists".

Escorca and Soller town halls have requested the mediation of the Council of Mallorca, which has responsibility for the MA-10, in stopping the illegal races. The councillor for mobility, Fernando Rubio, will be meeting mayors and representatives of the MA-10 group in the coming days. The working group will be reactivated and Rubio's department says that it will carry out new measures that are agreed upon and which are within its competence.

September 30, 2023 at 11:19AM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin

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