By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
The energy and enthusiasm we were running on yesterday fizzles out today, which may entice us to cancel our plans for the day and just stay home. It may be best to kick back and relax rather than do much else, as focus and motivation might be in short supply. People may be less willing to compromise or cooperate today, too. Now might not be a good time for making big commitments or plans set in stone, unless there's room to make changes or adjustments as needed. A little flexibility will go a long way.
(March 21 to April 19)
You might be struck with some early morning inspiration, which could be good for any projects you're developing. Meanwhile, don't be tempted to blow off your responsibilities.
(April 20 to May 20)
You could be tired of socializing or keeping up with what everyone is doing. Retreat as needed, whether it's with a "daycation" or a much-needed break.
(May 21 to June 20)
Avoid overcommitting yourself today. Conserve your resources so that they won't be in short supply when you need them later.
(June 21 to July 22)
Consider asking for help or seeking support for the tasks on your to-do list. It can make your life easier.
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Be discerning with your heart when it comes to someone new. Also, taking time out to do what's necessary for your well-being may be better than a fleeting moment of fun.
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Focus on your joy today. Invest in your passions. Do what makes you happy.
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Don't feel bad if you just want to stay home. You'll probably end up accomplishing more with your day.
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
It may be difficult to get on the same page with others, especially in terms of plan execution. See if you can talk things out and come to an agreement.
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
You may be feeling moody or rundown. Do what you can to pamper yourself. Take things slow.
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Avoid making a decision before you're truly ready. Your intuition will let you know when the timing is right.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
You can't always be everyone's go-to person. Sometimes you have to step back and let folks figure out things for themselves.
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
Not everything is under your control, and that's OK. Your plans or goals can still work out just fine.
You aim to live your life with as little restrictions as possible. You do best in relationships or in a career that gives you the freedom to be yourself. You're an innovator. You have a love for anything that's exciting or cutting-edge. You may be someone who travels frequently, because staying in one place for too long can get boring. Change is something you're comfortable with because you frequently need to shake things up. You reject the status quo and love anything offbeat or unconventional. This year, aim to connect with people you can learn from.

July 1, 2023 at 10:00AM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin
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