Six arrests follow Palma drugs' raids

Six arrests follow Palma drugs' raids
By Andrew Ede

On Thursday, fifty officers from the Palma and National Police took part in raids on addresses in the Camp Redó district.

This was the latest phase of the anti-drugs 'Operation Vulcan III'. There were four raids, and six arrests were made - five Spaniards and one German. They have been charged with the trafficking of drugs and for belonging to a criminal organisation.

The operation started in February and targeted a group who were selling drugs in the Corea part of Camp Redó. Some time after the police intervention in February, there was a reactivation of the drugs trade. Four properties were identified. Three of these were sales points - one for cocaine, one for hashish and the other for marijuana. Surveillance verified that there were regular flows of "customers" to each address.

September 4, 2022 at 04:22PM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin

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