Palma resident denounces dog mistreatment

Palma resident denounces dog mistreatment
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A resident of S'Escorxador in Palma has uploaded images of a dog on social media which show that tape has been put round its snout to prevent it from barking. This has apparently been the case during the summer, the resident saying that the tape is in addition to an anti-bark collar. "It's inhumane and it prevents the dog from eating and from drinking in the heat."

The dog's owner was denounced on four occasions to Palma town hall's animal welfare department because the dog used to bark all day. The owner was fined, and then started putting the tape on. The images were taken between June 17 and 26, over which period there was a heat wave.

Despite the fine, the resident adds that the first complaint was registered more than a year ago and that nothing has really been done.

September 3, 2022 at 04:15PM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin

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