British tourist who was in a coma after attack by a Magalluf doorman

British tourist who was in a coma after attack by a Magalluf doorman
By Andrew Ede

It is a case which surfaced several weeks ago but has only now truly come out because of a report in The Sun.

At the end of June, 24-year-old Joshua Pesticcio from Cardiff was allegedly brutally attacked by a doorman at the Tiger Tiger club in Magalluf. He was in an induced coma for two to three days and now suffers from memory loss.

Joshua was in Magalluf with his father Steven. There was a group of Steven's friends and their sons. On the first night in Magalluf, the sons went to the club. It is admitted that they were messing around and giving each other piggybacks. At one point, one of them spilled a drink. Which is what triggered things off. Joshua attempted to calm things down when doormen are said to have reacted in a heavy-handed manner. He has told The Sun that he headed to the exit with one of the doormen. Twenty minutes later, his friends found him outside with blood pouring from his head.

He maintains that his friends were then confronted by a group of doormen with knuckle dusters. One doorman in particular "started attacking everyone else".

What followed involves allegations of police excess and indifference. Batons and pepper spray were allegedly used against the group. Steven reported a case of attempted murder. He was given a crime number and two days later returned to the Guardia Civil station because the doorman was still at the club. He was apparently told not to make trouble.

It is understood that one of the doormen at the club is no longer there or at any other establishment in Magalluf. Other security personnel in the area, who have confirmed that the attack did take place, are also said to have described this doorman as being someone who is "highly conflictive" and who was arrested some time ago for "serious altercations and beating people up".

September 28, 2022 at 11:13AM
via Mallorca Daily Bulletin

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