Protest against Covid passport to coincide with Constitution Day

Protest against Covid passport to coincide with Constitution Day
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Víctor Sánchez, now a veteran organiser of protests against Covid restrictions in the hospitality business, estimates that some 4,000 people took part in a 'March for Freedom' in Palma on Monday.

The latest protest, a response to the Covid passport requirement, started in Plaça Espanya. The march was to the Almudaina Palace, the venue for the official acts for Constitution Day. The choice of the day, said Sánchez, was appropriate in order to highlight "everything that they do to us and that goes against our rights".

He argued that with "the imposition of the Covid certificate, they are promoting a war between owners". "Why do those who have a restaurant with an interior capacity of more than 50 people have to demand it and those who have a bar or a cafeteria do not?

"Forcing a waiter to ask for a Covid certificate and a person's ID, when the police themselves have to have a justified reason to do so, is an illegal measure. I believe so and I will continue to, at least until the Constitutional Court pronounces.

"That the march ended by the Almudaina was not by chance. We wanted the politicians to hear us, to listen to the angry and pissed-off people and not continue with the imposition of restrictive measures. Politicians have to defend the Constitution and not do what they are doing, which is restricting rights and freedoms."

December 6, 2021 at 06:26PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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