La Santa Maria in Puerto Portals

La Santa Maria in Puerto Portals
By Laura Stadler

Puerto Portals was privileged to see the magnificent wooden galleon La Santa Maria moored up over the weekend. The ship is an exact replica of Christopher Columbus’s galleon in which he first navigated the Atlantic in 1492.

He set sail August 1492 from Palos, Spain sighting Cuba some weeks later that he thought was mainland China. He went on to prove the world was not flat and discovered America bringing great riches to Spain and his mentors Queen Isabella with husband King Ferdinand.

The replica, a travelling museum, arrived in Portals from America, albeit it didn’t brave the treacherous crossing, instead choosing a safer carrier option. It is expected to moor up in Alcudia tomorrow (Tuesday) and the museum open to visitors for a few days before heading to mainland Spain.

The original Santa Maria was launched in 1460, 19 metres long, its keel length and displacement estimated to be 12.6metres and 150 metric tons respectively.

December 6, 2021 at 06:45PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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