Viewpoint: Mallorca, part of Spain

Viewpoint: Mallorca, part of Spain
By Jason Moore

Is Mallorca becoming too international? If this is the case then is there a danger that it could lose some of its charm? I ask these questions because in some parts of the island these days you wouldn't know you were in Spain. I was at a trendy beach club recently and if you didn´t speak German or English you would have difficulty ordering.

Some bars in the resorts only employ English or German speaking staff whose knowledge of Spanish is limited. It is now far easier in Palma to get a pizza Margarita than a pa amb oli. Even the ensaimada appears to be in decline with the croissant more popular. I visited a market this summer; I would say that 80 percent of clients and 50 percent of stall holders were German.

Granted these could be described as isolated cases and I suppose that it is quite normal when you consider the millions of tourists who visit us every year but Majorca must be slightly careful. One of the attractions of this island is its warm Mallorcan welcome and of course its local cuisine. Yes, there are no shortage of typical restaurants out in the countryside but you can count them on a single hand in the resorts.

I think the local government should encourage tourists to enjoy local food and wine and in some ways local history and customs. We are a tourist island but at the same time we have a long history with a rich heritage in food, wine and more. It would be a pity if Mallorca lost its local charm. In most instances it has changed for the better but “things Majorcan” shouldn´t be allowed to decline.

September 1, 2021 at 01:04PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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