By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
The Balearic health ministry report for Thursday indicates 119 new positive cases of coronavirus, down 56 on Wednesday's 175. There are 93 cases in Mallorca, 20 in Ibiza, four in Minorca and two in Formentera. Wednesday's cases were Mallorca 135, Ibiza 33, Minorca seven, Formentera zero.
The test rate is 3.53%; it was 3.99% on Wednesday. The seven-day test rate is 4.10%, down from 4.33%. In Mallorca this is 5.53%, down from 5.90%.
The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is down from 296.1 to 280.0. In Mallorca it is 268.5, down from 283.8; in Minorca 194.5 from 201.8; Ibiza 404.4 from 426.8; Formentera 260.4 from 327.6. The seven-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 110.62; it was 114.04 on Wednesday.
On hospital wards, there are 109 Covid patients in Mallorca (down 18), 37 in Ibiza (down one) and six in Minorca (up one). In intensive care, Mallorca has 52 Covid patients (down three), Ibiza seven (no change) and Minorca one (down one).
Primary care in the Balearics is now monitoring 4,500 people, a decrease of 258; in Mallorca 3,325, a decrease of 168.
The number of cases since the start of the pandemic is 96,561 and the health ministry has reported four more deaths, increasing the total to 925.
With the vaccination, 826,049 people in the Balearics have had at least one dose (79.82% of the target population); Mallorca 650,715. As to the complete course, there are 789,354 people in the Balearics (76.28%) and 620,752 in Mallorca.

September 2, 2021 at 03:52PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed
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