New call for an end to horse carriages following Alcudia accident

New call for an end to horse carriages following Alcudia accident
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

On Tuesday last week, there was a slight collision between a bus and a horse and carriage in Alcudia. The bus clipped the back of the buggy. The jolt was enough to startle and panic the horse, which fell to the ground and suffered what were described as minor injuries.

In light of this incident, the animal-rights party, Progreso en Verde, is again calling for an end to horse-drawn carriages and for electric carriages to replace them.

The party's president, Guillermo Amengual, says that "institutions in Mallorca are not up to the task of protecting horses and moving towards a society that respects animals". He does, however, draw attention to a municipality in Mallorca which has put an end to the carriages - Capdepera - and hopes that Alcudia, Palma and Sant Llorenç will follow suit.

Electric carriage replacements, he argues, would mean that "all parties will win out". "The horses will stop suffering and will be able to live freely in animal sanctuaries, after being exploited on racetracks and later with the buggies, while the tourist service and the jobs of buggy drivers will be maintained."

August 29, 2021 at 06:25PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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