By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Emergency teams are urging young people not to jump into the sea from the rocks at Cala Varques after a marked increase in serious injuries.
“The same thing happens every year, but we have had four accidents in three days and that concerns us,” said an Emergency Commander.
Every summer around a dozen young people suffer spinal injuries after jumping off the 14-metre-high cliff.
Warning signs that were installed on the cliff have been stolen or thrown into the sea.
The Coastal Territorial Unit from Porto Cristo and 061 Emergency Services Personnel say they're constantly called to Cala Varques, to treat boys with broken ankles, injured knees and spinal cord injuries.
"The majority of people who jump do it correctly and come to the surface without any problems, but there are some who become unbalanced during the fall and land in the sea in an unnatural position and suffer spinal injuries,” added the Emergency Commander.
Evacuating people with spinal injuries is extremely complicated because the victim has to be completely immobilised.

August 2, 2021 at 12:22PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed
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