Viewpoint: Spain tops jabbing league

Viewpoint: Spain tops jabbing league
By Humphrey Carter

Spain, and its autonomous regions such as the Balearics, have taken plenty of flack over its slow roll out of the vaccination - but the criticism may be unfounded.
Yesterday, it was confirmed that, out of the world’s 50 most populated countries, Spain has the largest share of people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

According to the latest Health Ministry report, 25.9 million residents, representing 54.7% of the population, have been fully vaccinated. This puts Spain at the top of a list compiled by Oxford University, using data provided by countries that report on the breakdown of doses and available on the website Ourworldindata, which uses population figures from the United Nations for its calculations.

According to this calculation, 55.5% of the population in Spain is now fully vaccinated. Spain’s closest rivals are Canada and the United Kingdom, where 55.2% and 54.9%, respectively, are completely immunised, based on the figures released on Sunday.

Granted, some may argue that percentages differ because so too does the size of the populations, but nevertheless, there is no denying that Spain has certainly got its vaccination finger out with the youngest age groups in Europe now being urged to come forward for the jabs. This fact and the figures should not be ignored, especially by the British government.

July 28, 2021 at 01:16PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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