Viewpoint: No double-jab for expatriates yet

Viewpoint: No double-jab for expatriates yet
By Humphrey Carter

I KNOW many expatriates who breathed sigh of relief when the double-jab travel announcement was made earlier this week, but as yet, it only applies to residents in the UK planning on travelling abroad.

The British Embassy in Madrid has stated:
•This is initially for people who are fully vaccinated with an NHS administered vaccine and can demonstrate it via the NHS app or letter.

•We will provide an update in due course on how we will approach vaccinated individuals from other countries, including those who have been vaccinated with vaccines that are not approved for use in the UK.

•Our intention is to broaden this scheme out to wider countries and we are working closely medical and public health experts and with international partners to enable this to happen.
So, for the meantime, Britons resident in Spain ill have to comply with the travel advice posted on the British government’s websites.

One presumes that as the UK and Europe opens its travel restrictions further, it will become easier for expatriates to pop back to the UK and see friends and family they may not have seen for the best part of two years, but the moment it is as your were.

However, in other news, Conservative MP Roger Gale, the Westminster champion for the rights of British expatriates has informed me that Spain and the UK are moving closer to a similar driving licence agreement to France - that there UK driving licences will be recognised and there will be no need to exchange them for a Spanish one.
Watch this space.

July 12, 2021 at 02:43PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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