Viewpoint: Nightmare

Viewpoint: Nightmare
By Jason Moore

What a nightmare...the travel industry continues to suffer because of Covid and as a result of knee-jerk reactions from governments. I know that it is a fast-moving situation but surely the British government can give the travel industry some clarity? There is also endless speculation.

It is widely rumoured that Spain could be placed on Britain´s Amber Plus List which will mean that returning British tourists will have to quarantine even if they have been doubled jabbed. These are just rumours nothing official but obviously it will have a direct impact on holiday bookings. Who is going to book a holiday if you don´t know whether you will have to quarantine when you arrive home?

The government should offer greater clarity and try and ease the fears of holiday bookers. The British governments travel traffic light has been a complete failure. The Balearics was placed on “Green” only to be removed a few days later. The same state of affairs happened in Portugal.

Many booked a holiday to Mallorca when it was placed on “Green” only to find that the travel situation was changed to amber which led to holiday cancellations. Obviously, it is a complicated situation but if the government was more forthcoming with information I am sure that the situation would be alot clearer which in turn would help the travel industry. At the moment there is little or no forward thinking it is just knee-jerk reactions.

July 29, 2021 at 01:15PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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