New nighttime restrictions in Mallorca

New nighttime restrictions in Mallorca
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Government is introducing new restrictions in a bid to stem the recent increase in coronavirus infections and stop illegal drinking parties in the streets of the Balearic Islands.

From Saturday people who don’t live together will be banned from meeting indoors or outdoors between 01.00 and 06.00 and anyone caught flouting the rules will face tough sanctions.

Government spokesperson and Tourism Minister, Iago Negueruela announced the measures on Monday after a Social Dialogue Table meeting with Union representatives and employers. The Government will request endorsement of the measures from the Superior Court of Justice.

From Thursday, the closing time for bars, restaurants, cocktail bars, games rooms and cafe concierto will change to 01:00 with a maximum of 4 people will be allowed per table inside and 8 outside.

The cut-off time for all other commercial, leisure and cultural events, including weddings is 01:00.

"The objective is to attack the excesses and maintain economic activity in safe conditions," said Minister Negueruela, who confirmed that the measures will be reviewed within 15 days.

A maximum of 2,500 people are allowed to attend cultural and sporting events in outdoor spaces, attendees must remain seated and face masks are mandatory.

The Government plans to ask the Central Government’s permission to use the Covid Passport for access to leisure, cultural and sporting events.

"We are appealing to the population, especially young people, to get vaccinated," said Minister Negueruela.

The new restrictions have the support of the Unions and employers, but CAEB President, Carmen Planas, admitted it was difficult to support the new hospitality limitations.

“Business owners have done their homework, the infections are coming from the streets not from the companies," she said.

“The measures are adequate, proportionate and intelligent because they focus on specific and determined hours,” added PIMEB President, Jordi Mora.

CCOO Secretary, José Luis García and UGT Secretary Lorenzo Navarro said the restrictions focus on combating activities that trigger an increase in the incidence rate.

July 20, 2021 at 12:19PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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