By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Dear Sir,
In earlier editions you have stated that all Majorcan residents will be double vaccinated by September to try and help save the tourist season. Looking at your rate of vaccinations published in the last few weeks these seem to have slowed down dramatically. Is this a case of not having the people needed to administer the vaccine or a case of not having enough vaccines, if either of these is the case who is at fault and will it be rectified quickly enough to save your summer season.
We are British and have been coming for a long time to Majorca and Spain in general, however like our country the rate of Covid in Spain and Majorca is increasing. As a couple we have had both jabs and we need to see a far greater number of Spanish citizens being double jabbed than at present as also they are showing caution by the British and German governments. Will you get back on track with your vaccination programme or not, and if not why not, and who will be responsible.
These questions need answering before a lot of tourists will return. This is a sad state of affairs and it is time someone stepped up and took responsibility for the sake of the hotel chains, businesses and all of the tourist industry and of course the tourists themselves.
I look forward to any information you have regarding this matter , and hope it is all good news as we would like to visit in late September but certain criteria for us and many others need to be met for that to happen.
Brian Emery

July 22, 2021 at 04:53PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed
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