We're almost there!!

We're almost there!!
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

At last we’re in the final stretch of de-escalation and the Covid restrictions will be relaxed from Saturday, thanks to the good epidemiological situation and increase in vaccinations on the Islands.

Bars and restaurants will be allowed to stay open until 02:00 indoors and outdoors, as long as municipal ordinances allow it. Capacity indoors is restricted to 50% with 6 people per table and up to 12 people can share a table on terraces.

Customers can eat at the bar until midnight as long as they're 1.5 metres apart and with a maximum of 2 together.

Nightclubs, cocktail bars and the so-called ‘cafe-concierto’ will also be allowed to open until 02:00 from Saturday with the same table limitations, but dancing will not be allowed.

These new restrictions will be in force in the Balearic Islands until July 2 and if the cumulative incidence rate remains stable they will be relaxed even further.

Government Spokesperson and Tourism Minister, Iago Negueruela predicts that outdoor cultural and leisure activities will take a big step forward on July 3, but everything depends on how the pilot tests at the Hard Rock in Ibiza and the Mallorca Live Festival turn out.

If there are no hiccups, outdoor leisure and cultural events with a capacity of 5,000 people will be allowed to take place from July 3, but there are conditions attached.

Diagnostic tests won’t be required to access events, but face masks will be mandatory, dance floors must be separate from bar areas and customers must sit at tables while they're drinking.

Capacity at weddings, baptisms, communions and similar celebrations will be limited to 120 people outdoors and 50 indoors or 200 people outside and 100 inside if guests have been vaccinated, have overcome the disease or can submit a negative test result.

The Covid Digital Certificate can be used for entry to events as well as for travel.


The measures were announced after the Social Dialogue Table meeting between the Government, CAEB President, Carmen Planas, PIMEB President Jordi Mora, CCOO General Secretary, José Luis García and UGT General Secretary, Lorenzo Navarro.

They all agreed that the de-escalation process is on target, that tourism and economic activity can be safely reactivated and insisted that the tough restrictions in recent months had worked.

June 16, 2021 at 12:44PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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