Mallorcan startup offers you the chance to help fight climate change

Mallorcan startup offers you the chance to help fight climate change
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Just eight months ago, the revolutionary startup TRUEWORLD was founded in Mallorca and it is already considered one of the world’s leading digital tools in the fight against climate change.

Its mission is to use technology created to fight climate change by unlocking the potential of accurate information and verified data to foster universal knowledge.

Its ethos is data matters, sources matter, truth matters and TRUEWORLD is on a mission to foster climate change understanding by increasing information transparency and data veracity to underpin its direct relation to the environmental and social impacts generated by companies, institutions and society, so as to act accordingly.

Through Blockchain technology, BigData and Ethical Artificial Intelligence (EAI) it promotes the positive impacts of companies, institutions and society as a whole so that they can anticipate decision-making through the use of predictive modeling.

Primarily, the highly qualified team monitors all the information posted on the various social media and digital platforms and roots out the truth from the lies - fake news - about climate change.


And, through its Observatory, which is free, it provides a wealth of real time, correct and verified information about climate change and what is actually happening across the planet.
TRUEWORLD not only works with a vast and growing network of international non-governmental organisations and foundations, it also takes information from NASA, EUMETSAT and the EU COPERNICUS programme, for example.

Co-founder Marco Mendoza said that their purpose is to democratise the fight against climate change.

“Billions of our euros are placed in the hands of governments which we have elected every year to be used to combat, or at least slow climate change down. But the trouble is, very few governments neither comply with their promises nor really know what they are doing. The planet as we know it is in an extremely precarious situation and we, society as a whole, have a very important role to play because while governments dither, we are destroying the world we live in and the clock is ticking, as our Observatory clearly shows,” he explained.

TRUEWORLD’s Observatory was launched on the 5th of July, Environment Day.
It is a one-click stop for anyone interested in climate change and how they can help the fight.

The Observatory is connected to a network of intelligent bases across the globe, be they forests, biodiversity areas, ice cap investigation centres, animal protection programmes and other vital sign layers including CO2 emissions and air quality sensors, among other sources.

The startup has also created a series of services. TRUESOLUTIONS offers companies a set of applications that allow real-time monitoring and tracking of the main environmental indicators and, through predictive models, anticipate decision-making based on the impacts derived from their activity.

These tools are tailor-made for each sector and for each organisation according to its sustainability objectives.

These solutions are already being provided to companies in the nautical, hotel and service sectors.

All this data can be accessed immediately via a BI DASHBOARD (IAE) and all the relevant real time information will be provided.


For example, if you are concerned about the plight of tigers which are facing extinction, a click will direct you to all of the cooperating foundations involved in saving the tiger. Real time images will be screened plus the very latest developments and data about the charities involved, should the information prove interesting and a charity worth helping, that information can be quickly shared with friends and colleagues just like on any other social media platform. For example, follow the latest activities of the Dr. Jane Goodall Institute, it is all available at a touch of the screen or a click of a mouse.

The TRUEWORLD Observatory site, which is in English, is not only a unique too, it is the first of its kind in the world, it is also an exciting, simple and fun way of exploring the truth about climate change and how we, the general public, can join the fight and help combat climate change quicker and more effectively than governments while exerting more pressure on non-governmental organisations to move faster because, as Mendoza stressed, if we don’t act now, it is going to be too late.

TRUEWORLD was born in Mallorca as an innovative and entrepreneurial start-up. It is led by businessmen, scientists, technicians and entrepreneurs who share a common goal: to fight climate change. They believe that to make tangible changes, collaboration and active participation is vital.

TRUEWORLD has quickly caught the attention of the world and has been invited to participate in the prestigious Noah Conference in Zurich later this year and will be one of the top ten headline companies - with Mendoza addressing international delegates.

“It’s a huge honour for us and is a testimony of how far TRUEWORLD has come in such a short period of time. It also proves how important tackling climate change is now.

“We humans are the biggest hunter killers on the planet and we need a change of mindset, we need to take responsibility for our impact and we need the general public to be involved at all levels because, if we fail, the world will never be the same again.

“It’s not only about protecting or saving the environment and species, it’s about being aware of the threats we have created to the planet, educating ourselves with science based data in pursuit of sustainable, zero emissions developments that allows us to live in a common present without compromising future generations”.

For more information visit:

June 21, 2021 at 06:22PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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