Mallorca waits as pressure for 'Green' List details intensifies

Mallorca waits as pressure for 'Green' List details intensifies
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Balearic Government may find if Mallorca and the other islands have made it onto the UK’s ‘Green’ List sooner than expected.

MPs are putting pressure on the British Government to reveal which countries are on which list and what tests tourists will need to have before they go abroad.

Thomas Cook and British Airways are united in calling for the details of each group to be revealed, but are divided over the new ‘traffic light’ system with BA Chief Executive, Sean Doyle calling it too complicated and Thomas Cook Chief Executive, Alan French backing it.

The lack of information about which countries won’t require tourists to quarantine or submit a negative PCR test could also cause problems for Brits planning to travel overseas.

Thousands are poised to go on holiday as soon as the international travel ban is lifted on May 17 and a good number of them will be coming to Mallorca.

Some countries have already waved the need for a PCR test for tourists who've had both vaccines, but they will have to submit a negative PCR test from within the previous three days for the Balearic Islands and with so many people requiring last minute tests at once it might be difficult get them all done in time.

April 27, 2021 at 04:22PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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