Vaccine delays in Spain heavily criticised

Vaccine delays in Spain heavily criticised
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Delays in the Covid-19 vaccination program are generating deep concern and a growing number of complaints as infections continue to increase in almost all territories on the Peninsula.

Robert Güerri, who’s Head of Infectious Diseases at Hospital del Mar in Barcelona has warned that the situation is out of control in Catalonia, that the continual increase in cases is generating "a very worrying" situation in hospitals and that unless urgent action is taken patients will have to be "prioritised".

1,483 new infections were confirmed on Sunday, putting hospitals under even more pressure and the Civil Protection of the Generalitat says restrictions may have to be tightened.

There’s also a rise cases in Andalusia, Castilla y León, Madrid, Murcia, Aragón, Cantabria and the Basque Country but infections have decreased in Galicia, Cantabria and Navarre.

Vaccination started in the Peninsula a week ago, but critics in Madrid and Andalusia say it’s just not happening fast enough.

The Madrid Government has repeatedly complained that it hasn’t been allocated enough doses, stressing that at this rate only 10% of Madrid residents will be vaccinated by June 30.

The Madrid PP General Secretary, Ana Camins claims the delay in vaccinations is down to Health Personnel being on vacation, while the Madrid Socialist Spokesperson Ángel Gabilondo accused Isabel Díaz Ayuso of using anything, including the vaccine program, to confront the Government and insisted that the distribution is proportional and was agreed.

The Catalonia Health Department is stepping up vaccinations to 7 days a week, including holidays, to get more people immunised after admitting that only 13% of the doses it received have been used.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be administered indistinctly because there’s no difference in their effectiveness and it won’t be necessary to establish any type of prioritisation, but the use of one or the other will depend on logistical issues,” said General Director of Public Health, Pilar Aparicio,

Spain's festival season ends on Wednesday with Three Kings Day, but as with other traditional events the celebrations will be very different this year because most cities have either cancelled the traditional parades or banned the public from attending and will show the event live on television instead.

January 4, 2021 at 03:09PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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