Mallorca's Covid restrictions cause ructions in Government

Mallorca's Covid restrictions cause ructions in Government
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The recent outpouring of anger over the new coronavirus restrictions in Mallorca has strained relations between Government partners with Més and Podemos condemning the introduction of the latest measures without offering aid at the same time.

A Pact partners emergency meeting was held on Wednesday to try to get things back on track and alleviate the discord.

Critics say Government Spokesperson Pilar Costa and Labour & Tourism Minister Iago Negueruela completely underestimated the level of anger that’s been festering as restrictions were enforced time and again, shutting down the Hospitality Sector with no safety net for business owners who are financially ruined. On Tuesday, discontent drove around 4,000 people onto the streets of Palma in protest.

"We didn’t like the way the issue was treated," said a Podemos representative, who claimed that they’ve been urging the President of the Balearic Government Francina Armengol to be careful when she’s announcing new restrictions.

The Government is not explaining the problem with vaccines clearly enough, it’s not that they haven’t been administered, it’s that they haven’t arrived,” they said and warned that the way the pandemic is being managed could end the Pact.

"If we don't manage this issue properly we’ll end up with a PP and Vox Government.”

Més agrees with Podemos, especially with regard to aid and has issued a statement asking the Government to implement a rescue plan to help the affected Sectors.

"We have imposed a sacrifice on them with very harsh measures, but an entire Sector cannot be left behind,” said Més.

Més also criticised President Armengol for not implementing a lockdown which they said would be the best solution and said the slow pace of the vaccine arrival and the Central Government’s lack of solution for ERTE were unacceptable.

Meanwhile, President Armengol and Health Minister Patricia Gómez insist that they completely understand that people are tired of the coronavirus restrictions, but urged everyone to make one last effort to try to curb contagion.

January 14, 2021 at 01:11PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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