Happy New Year

Happy New Year
By Jason Moore

My last Viewpoint of 2020, a year which I think you can safely say that we all want to forget. But I have high hopes for 2021. Spain has already started vaccinating people and by the middle of the year a sizeable part of the population will have been given the vaccine.

The Balearic government are also being upbeat; they believe that by Spring you will be able to travel to the island without restrictions; that will mean that the tourist industry can get into top gear once again. Even Brexit doesn’t appear to have complicated our lives too much and full marks to the Spanish government for rolling out the red carpet for British citizens, effectively making their lives much easier when they come to get their paperwork in order.

At the moment there doesn’t appear to be any other “banana skins” when it comes to Brexit and our rights as British citizens living in Spain have been safeguarded. So, there is reason to welcome in the New Year with hope for the future. Yes, there are important economic concerns and yes Covid will still be with us next year, but fingers crossed that the situation will be under control. We are exceptionally lucky that we live on this wonderful island which even in these hard times has given us reasons to be cheerful. So let us put 2020 behind us and move forward with hope. As someone said to me yesterday 2021 has got to be better...it couldn’t be any worse than 2020.
Happy New Year!

January 1, 2021 at 02:32PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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