Difficult times

Difficult times
By Jason Moore

OH well, things can only get better! It is rather difficult to remain upbeat at the moment, even the Mallorcan weather is plotting against attempts to have a semblance of “normal life.” I joined a group of fellow eaters on a freezing terrace in Palma yesterday for a sandwich lunch and I had to pinch myself that I was in Mallorca.

As a result of the Covid restrictions restaurants and bars can only operate their terraces and to be honest, it is not exactly terrace weather! The restaurant trade is desperately trying to find a way forward because they have to close at six and lose the lucrative dinner time trade. Some have simply closed down and are hoping for better times, others are trying to survive with their terraces but the weather has rather put the boot in and the future doesn’t look too bright either.

The lockdown in Britain has dashed any hopes of the holiday season getting into swing for Easter. Hoteliers now believe that the season will not get started before June. The government is going to have to find ways of supporting the thousands of bars and restaurants which are facing financial ruin. It is a great pity really.

The Three King’s parade usually marks the end of the festivities in Spain but this year it is a muted end to a rather muted party. We are living in extraordinary times and even this paradise island is feeling the pinch. The hope is that the vaccines will be rolled out because at the moment that is the only light at the end of the tunnel.

January 6, 2021 at 06:11PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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