Armed forces' "spirit of service" during the pandemic

Armed forces' "spirit of service" during the pandemic
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The commander general in the Balearics, Fernando García Blázquez, has highlighted the "spirit of service" that the armed forces have shown in the Balearics since the start of the pandemic.

Speaking on Wednesday on the occasion of the annual Pascua Militar at Palma's Almudaina Palace, García Blázquez underlined the military's response to the coronavirus threat, referring to operations that have been "clear examples" of all armed forces' cooperation.

He pointed to disinfection and decontamination work, support given to the state security forces for patrols, training for contact-tracing and, most recently, the transporting and distribution of the vaccine.

García Blázquez stressed the coordination with and support given by the health ministry. This "facilitated the work of the military health services and the medical treatment of infected soldiers".

On the work of the Guardia Civil, he drew attention to operations against organised crime that resulted in the neutralising of two drugs networks and which involved authorities in Italy, Senegal and the US.

Among those attending the ceremony were President Armengol, the president (speaker) of the Balearic parliament, Vicenç Thomas, and the president of the Council of Mallorca, Catalina Cladera.

The Pascua Militar is a commemoration that was instituted by King Carlos III in 1782 following the recovery of Minorca from the British.

January 6, 2021 at 06:40PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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