A quiet New Year night for the police

A quiet New Year night for the police
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The major police operation in Mallorca designed to prevent illegal New Year parties would appear to have been a success.

The Guardia Civil and the National Police report that things were quiet. From their monitoring of social media and chat, the security forces had been aware that parties were being planned, but there are no reports of any having been held. However, the forces are continuing to be vigilant, suspecting that events may have been postponed to the weekend.

In Palma, the only notable incident was a street gathering in the Camp Redó district. The National Police broke this up at 1.45am. Nine people will be fined. Others managed to disperse when officers arrived.

Otherwise, the police say that they had several calls complaining about loud music but that in none of these cases were Covid regulations being breached.

January 1, 2021 at 09:32PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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