Mallorca Weather in 2050

Mallorca Weather in 2050
By Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Balearic Islands will be basking in even hot temperatures in Autumn in 2050, but there will also be a lot more tropical nights and a greater probability of isolated depressions at High Levels, or DANAs, in Mediterranean areas, according to

Temperatures are forecast to be 2ºC-3ºC higher in Autumn 2050 than they were at the end of the last century with highs in excess of 42ºC in Seville, 39ºC in Badajoz, 37ºC in Ciudad Real and 36ºC in Zaragoza, with 15 hot days in a row on the northern plateau and 17 in the south.

There will be fewer days of rain on the Peninsula and in the Balearic Islands than at the end of the last century and 7-10 days less rain in Galicia, Castilla y León, Cantabria and Asturias.

The south and east of the country will have one to three days less rainfall and there might be no rain at all on 71 of the 91 days of autumn 2050 in eastern Catalonia and the Balearic Islands as well as 72 dry days in the Tagus basin, 73 in the Júcar and the Segura and 74-76 in the Guadiana and Andalusia. It will also be normal for there to be zero rain for 13 days in a row in Guadalquivir and 17 days in a row in Huelva and the Balearic Islands.

The Mediterranean will continue to heat up and it will be 1.25ºC hotter in the Balearic Islands by the end of 2020, compared to the end of the last century.

DANAs are expected to be more frequent in the Autumn, which will have a serious impact in September when the sea is very hot, with torrential storms and heavy rainfall.

In the northeast and centre of the country there will be more days with upwards of 10 litres per square metre of rainfall, particularly in eastern Catalonia, whereas in the rest of the Peninsula the number of days with upwards of 10 litres per square metre of rainfall will decrease by ten days and even more in Andalusia.

November 11, 2020 at 04:38PM
via Majorca Daily Bulletin News Feed

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